Our theme for 1991 was "Welcome Home" to the troops of Desert Storm. Camouflage and battle fatigues were the marching uniforms. For the only time in addition to lawn chairs, high powered squirt guns were added to soak the spectators. As in every year, flamingos made their appearance. A new routine, The Arch, was performed for the first time. There was a Red Cross jeep, a small tank and a truck pulled the Midvale Drive Scudbuster on a flatbed "launcher". The Scudbuster would be hydraulically raised to launching position, the nose cone would open and a sign would emerge from it saying "Mother of All Missles"! For some reason it made sense to have our march leader dressed as a clown this year. I did not march that year so I could (for once) get videos of the group in action. We made the front page of the local paper, too.